RE:The new Decline Fiji opening up more will certainly help LION, particularly with imports of tools, machinery and supplies. Covid delayed a number of things but after delays, I believe they now have their big new generator going. They were also waiting on a large, very long electrical harness but wound up assembling their own because of delays. This is likely why now they can readily use a second and perhaps a third underground electric drill. (diesel would be too noxious in a one way tunnel) When they build the new decline, (sooner than later I hope) it will head 'tout de suite' to the exploration decline , not only because many of the gold lodes are near there but they need the ventilation for the diesel fumes, dust etc, and a second means of safely escaping. (The main reason Vatakoula put in their latest shaft 2 years ago was for more ventilation).
The new decline will be large to fit their large equipment. (and I believe they've built/are building a building to house the equipment and service them).......(I can't verify any of this stuff so take it with some salt.)