the word telehealth - uncoolis an awful word.. It is uncool and I would very much like to be released from this so-called sector. It does not begin to describe the business that WELL is in. Rather, it conjures an image of a granny calling up her doctor on an old style rotary phone. It also suggests that we are a junior Teledoc company. With the greatest respect to Teledoc, I did not sign up with WELL to be Teledoc's little brother. Someone once said that in the future there will be no teledoc sector as all healthcare companies will be modernized and the term will be redundant. The future is here and we need to be released from this unhelpful nomenclature. I think if we could escape it, it could be worth two or three dollars on our share price. If we need to be part of a sector, I would choose "healthtech" or maybe "virtual health". I appreciate that WELL has not necessarily chosen this name or chosen to be in this category, and that it is the analysts who have saddled us with it. But I think we need to do a better job of fighting back and resisting its usage to describe our company. Maybe I should write to Investor's Relations and offer myself for a position with the firm with a salary of a modest $500,000.00 and a sole purpose of fighting to get out from underneath this stupid name. I think it would be a wise investment for WELL