opinionManagement team needs to stop using the price weakness of AU/AG as an excuse for share price weakness.
Eskay Creek alone without any further exploration results added on has huge merrit. At $1550 AU and $22 AG and present reserves we have a $1.4M NPV, 56% IRR, Annual after tax FREE CASH FLOW of $265M or $3.68/share @ 72M fully diluted share. The "buck stops at the" top. The very least that the share price should be with the derisking that has occurred and what is coming over the next 3 to 6 months is $20 now. Especially with the mine cost equity financing that will occur in Q1 of 2022. The present shareholders are looking for the least dilution which will only occur at a respectable share price unlike what Pretium did in 2016.
The CEO needs to work harder on increasing share price and selling some of his shares does not help. Very disappointing.