Via R10: Aussie miners commenting on Novo & Hennigh... "What these dimwits can't grasp is that ore grades as proved by costeaning -trenching on strike and down dip from the original high grade discovery areas are so low grade that grade is almost no existent -and yet they still babble on about great basin wide riches with no evidence to demonstrate otherwise. That is the reason there has been no application for a Mining Lease lodged."
"Agree this HeeHaw idiot has got one thing right when he says "I have no idea!"
While trials in lab conditions have shown nearly 50% recovery of gold can be done in ideal conditions, using specially chosen feedstock, its a long way from being a viable option. Quite a big departure from the normal use of a tomra, if you were to read DEGs ann about their trial for example they attempt to sort out waste rock from quartz rock the latter which may contain gold. Searching for specks and small nuggets is an entirely different thing altogether, a fact not surprisingly not grasped by Hennigh yet.
If the Tomra becomes a vaible option for conglomerate gold the necessary work will need to be done in conjunction with a company that has a bit more practical knowledge than Novo, who, when it comes down to it, are only interested in " Party Tricks"."
"Delusional ramping by Hedgeless Horsemen, as Blackcat and others have pointed out, still hasn't grasped the fact that Tomra Ore sorting won't work in the Pilbara Conglomerates. If I could pick the absolute worst place to trial the Tomra Ore sorter with a guarantee of failure it would be in Pilbara Conglomerate hosted gold deposits.
10 tonnes in a few seconds? What have they been smoking? Have they seen the host conglomerate? They will have to blast, mine and crush the conglomerate to give the Tomra a chance to "see" the gold, and by the time you do that, the throughput in the Tomra itself will be so low that they will be there for decades with a Tomra working through their first 100K tonnes. Or are they thinking of buying hundreds of stand-alone Tomra units and running them in parallel?"