HedgingTV should easily be able to get big enough hedge to lock in enough profit over next couple of years to finance RP2.0 and existing debt. It will be interesting to see the specifics when announced as well as the share price reaction. I'm guessing the share price reaction might not be as much as one would think.
I think TV utilimately will drift upwards but maybe the biggest risk to long term shareholders is a cheap buyout. I think the answer to that boils down simply to the integrity of the management. Do they have the intestional fortitude to do the right thing and stick it out until well laid plans are achieved with the vision of bigger things as they talk about or are they going to take the easy money with ego & $ intact and run to the next opportunity? What are they made of? Are they going to go the extra mile, walk the talk, plan for all contingencies, and do what is right for shareholders?
As with all things, time will tell.
A much higher share price could be in the works but one never knows what the future will bring.