RE:My opinions as part of an early institutional investor WELLGreat points. I have already said something similar, just not as eloquentley. I actually do have a crystal ball and it has been working great lately. Lol cheers. But once again great points.
BudFoxx2020 - (12/2/2021 10:41:56 AM) BudFoxx2020 wrote: If I was to look at WELL's fundamentals. This is how I see it. All their growth was from aquisitions. A lot of these companies they aquired were on their way to bankruptcy or were on sale because of piling debts. Maybe just maybe, things are not what it seems. This is the problem with people that fall in love with a company they refuse to look at any other point of views. You can't just keep aquiring companies to grow, that never works. The dilution is always a big red flag. It went from 80 million shares in 2019 to 120 million shares in 2020 to over 200 million shares in 2021. With another $500 million dilution in wait. Need I say more. Like I said I base my opinion on experience. I have seen this happen with many many different stocks. So I know what to expect and how it will play out. Once the sector fizzles out, these are the company that will get hit the hardest. Once the markets starts tanking these growth story company won't stand a chance. Once again I can be completely wrong but I trust my experience. I didn't want to mention any of this before because I didn't want to sound negative but since you asked this is just my humble opinion. Share price don't just hit new lows for no reason, people in the inside and the smart money always knows. Its the retails that are always the last to know. Cheers.