After 90%The Campanian has been run through..what exactly was found is somewhat still of a mystery as drilling into that toe of Rumpelstiltskin's shoe of a stratigraphic trap could give very limited results from which only some directional drilling back North could have given some clarity ..below that would be the upper Santonian..the lower Santonian was laid down then channelized then infilled then channelized again then overlaid by the Campanian so you have the upper and lower Santonian to contend with then the Turonian below then the source rock.What the hydrocarbons found so far is telling us is that the source rock reached thermal crack point at that part of the basin or we had some migration from out in the North going through the Upper Santonian the drill encountered some minor formation(s) that would have been a mirror (shadow image)of the the thicker lower Santonian with a deeper infilled channel.The overburden above and in the channel raised pressure into the Turonian and towards the Source rock so opens up the migration path and that feeds the lower Santonian and that should be filled with recent maturity oil which should be volatile sweet due to the high pressure ..just like Maka ..Tobbler's First Law of Geography