RE:RE:Price Drop OK! Let me try and explain with two caveats.
1. I am not knowledgeable about stock trading although I do watch it
I am not suggesting that there is anything illegal going on but there may be valid questions to be raised.
/> I think we both agree that that there some kind of price depression activity going on in that, whenever there is an announcement of good news for Algernon, the price goes down -just look at today's s activity as an example.<
this not only affects value investors, ultimately it affects the sick, in that the low capital value produced by price depression hinders the company's ability to carry out research that could end or ameliorate that suffering.
Clearly, that is a public policy issue because that is what decides what is legal and what is not. So, my question is "Should legislators be investigating this trading activity"?
my second question is for regulators. Some of the traders involved provide investment advice to clients and, I lthink, would likely be licensed as such. But licensed financial advisers, I believe, have a fiduciary responsibility to clients, whickh means that client interests come first.
I can not see how price depression helps clients. So maybe a financial regulator should be looking at thiis.
to summarize. I am not saying that I think there is illegality but I think there are questions to be answered in order that investors and the general public can be assured that all is OK.