Supply and delivery Dont get to hung up on number of units delivered. Its overall revenue that matters. Yes bombardier needs to build airplane but if numbers change and its out of bombardier's control then it shouldn't matter. Bombardier and most aerospace manufacturers have flex line. That means they adjust number of units to be build based on supply and demand. If supply cant keep up then units built will be adjusted and workforce adjusted, reassign etc. Yes fixed cost like heating, prop tax for building etc per unit will go up but this will be minimum. Keep in mind that when demand is high and supply cant keep up then unit price will go up. So bombardier can offset lower volume with higher price. Look what happened to new and used car prices due to chip shortage. If supply issue causes delay then bombardier like most businesses has Clause or penalties for late deliveries. These penalties could also hit bombardier but since it will be realated to supply issues then that penalty will settle with suppliers not bombardier. If you keep talking and focusing on deliveries then you will set yourself for disappointment if supply issue causes deliveries numbers to come down. It's all about efficiency, profitability, and adaptability. Bombardier has demonstrated that they can adapt and be efficient. Now they have to show profit. Which they are already headed towards.