Red , l had never heard of CEO ,Can but after reading a post by Jr and a repy by yourself , l took some time o go on the site. Very interesting , dealing with penny ponies , that's JRs speed , but more important l read their rules of posting. Similar to here except for a couple of points of interest. Multiple accounts are a major theme , like they were once on these boards and it appears they strictly  enforce their rules . Attacking members , rewrites , repetitive posts and videos along with liars are removed in a heartbeat. And this for a pennypony site, some Dimwit could learn a lot regarding their apparent honest and codes of morals. If they did the 15 account say nothing own nothing slg troll would be history along with 150 or more posts a day on various boards, 800 odd a week and and an unbelievable 40000 a year. But that would entail a shift in agenda and l know for sure as you do , they are incapable of common human decency. Selective enforcement is their chosen manner to protect some , exclude some , because that's the pond scum thyy are

Hey MOLLY__You are RIGHT about the Strict Standards on CEO site__thus I cannot see that Either Junior BULL nor Harley MONSTER will have much luck EVEN getting away with PERMA PUMPING

Needless to say NONE of the TACTICS used by ""OUR TROLL"" would last a Nanno-Secong on CEO site.