HANKY PANKY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Easy as PIE......... Malicious bots
One example of the malicious use of bots is the coordination and operation of an automated attack on networked computers, such as a denial-of-service attack by a botnet. Internet bots or web bots can also be used to commit click fraud and more recently have appeared around MMORPG games as computer game bots. Another category is represented by spambots, internet bots that attempt to spam large amounts of content on the Internet, usually adding advertising links.
There are malicious bots (and botnets) of the following types:
Spambots that harvest email addresses from contact or guestbook pages
Downloaded programs that suck bandwidth by downloading entire websites
Website scrapers that grab the content of websites and re-use it without permission on automatically generated doorway pages
Registration bots that sign up a specific email address to numerous services in order to have the confirmation messages flood the email inbox and distract from important messages indicating a security breach.
Botnets, zombie computers, etc
Spambots that try to redirect people onto a malicious website, sometimes found in comment sections or forums of various websites
Viewbots create fake views
Bots that buy up higher-demand seats for concerts, particularly by ticket brokers who resell the tickets.[ These bots run through the purchase process of entertainment event-ticketing sites and obtain better seats by pulling as many seats back as it can.
Bots that are used in massively multiplayer online role-playing games to farm for resources that would otherwise take significant time or effort to obtain, which can be a concern for online in-game economies.
Bots that increase views for YouTube videos
Bots that increase traffic counts on analytics reporting to extract money from advertisers.
Bots used on internet forums to automatically post inflammatory or nonsensical posts to disrupt the forum and anger users.