BearInTheWoods Continues Psychopath Attack On AGN @ CEO.CA Bear claims Algernon added salt to it;'s approved patent for Ifenprodil - False
Bear has made the psychopath argument that Algernon has zero patents - False
Bear now changes course about not having patents to suggest any patent by Algernon is worthless - False
Bear continues to not understand Ifenprodil sold in Japan is not the same as Ifenprodil not being sold outside of Japan for FDA approved use - True
Bear believes management issuing itself stock options is a nefarious act - False
Bear believes a consolidation of share to uplist to Nasdaq is a bad idea versus staying on the CSE - False
Bear believes the 1 hour Q&A put on by the CEO recently was not a positive and meaningful engagement with shareholders - False
Bear keeps going back and forth about Algernon having conducted 3 failed Phase 2 clinical trials - False
Bear believes paid advertising by a company with no revenues is bad business - False
Bear has no clue about DMt and the psychedelic space that he shallowly tries to pontificate about like most everything else about Algernon - True
Bear will look directly at a news release and pull something out of it that does not exist on paper or anywhere else but his pathological liar brain - True
Bear has the audacity to take just about every bad thing that was expressed by other posters about Algernon and package them up as his due diligence that he warned everyone about at Stockhouse AGN - False
Bear will continue to make sh!t up here there and anywhere else he takes a sh!t with his fingers on a keyboard - True
Bear does not care about the truth - True
if anyone truly cares about what Bear thinks you too need your head examined - True
Algernon is headed to Nasdaq in Q1 2022 - True
Algernon has filed a plethora of patents to protect it's properties on a global scale - Tur
Algernon;'s best days are ahead - True
Algernon's share price is currently suppressed - Ture
Algernon has 3 if not 4 clinical trials happening in 2022 - True]\
Algernon has 2 of the world's top psychedelic names on the team - True
Algernon remains a relatively unknown company until it gets the free ink exposure it deserves once uplisted to Nasdaq - true
Algernon will be mentioned among the likes of GH Research, MindMed, Compass Pathways and a handful of other gtrue movers in the multibillion dollar psychedelic space - True
Psychedelics are predicted by experts to shift the global paradigm for neuroscience - True
Algernon has just as good a shot at winning with it's pipeline as anyone else out there at Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the clinical trial process - True
It only gets better from here for Algernon regardless to the market meltdown - True
Good luck with your play here as Algernon has no competing elements other than AGN shareholders like facts over fiction when it comes to calling out another company - True