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Dave Inc DAVE

Dave Inc. specializes in neobanking and financial technology (fintech) services. The Company has built an integrated and fully digital financial services platform that provides millions of Americans with a variety of financial products. The Company offers cash advances through its flagship 0% interest ExtraCash product. Through its Banking, the Company provides a digital checking account service, integrated with ExtraCash advances. Its members can have access to tools for building long-term financial health, such as goals savings accounts and customizable automatic round-up savings on debit spend transactions. Its ExtraCash and banking products are offered through its bank partner, Evolve Bank & Trust. It also helps members generate extra income for spending or emergencies through its Side Hustle product, where the Company presents members with supplemental work opportunities, and through its Surveys product, where members can earn supplemental income by taking surveys.

NDAQ:DAVE - Post by User

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Post by HDavison Feb 01, 2022 5:54pm
Post# 34387189

DAVE - Wednesday Expectations

DAVE - Wednesday Expectations
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