10 in 10 chance FDA approvesWith all the back and forth, Tom Ridge, dedicated FDA rep advising what we need for final stamp. All the testing in Brazil which was our segway in, final tests completed now, of course this will be FDA approved. The product may not be needed after, it may not sell as big, but it will be FDA approved. All about timing. Plus with Venowave, benepod, Coldsores.com website, and the restart of OZAP Zika virus from in-vivo stage; things are looking up and up, and who knows the next merger. We went from Zika, to 3 aqusitions and a saliva based test, if you told me that in May 2016, I would say your nuts when all we had was the Zika Virus cure potential. Now imagine the next 6 years, Mr.Fia might be making the flu shot pill or diabeties cure or a muscle rub cream or ED pill.