A few thoughtsFirst off, probably a form of silver lining in the timing of the CFO's departure (given that he IS departing).
Typically, a CFO will depart (early in a year) only AFTER the year-end audit has been completed. So one can probably infer that the 2021 YE audit now has been completed without a hitch. (Not good if the audit can't be completed in a timely manner--which sometimes happens. I've seen it. Oy.)
This interpretation (audit is done) is supported by the detail that John Rim is assisting with the transition. (If the audit was not-easily-completeable and the CFO was leaving right away anyways, well, the CFO would NOT be assisting with anything.)
Filings related to the Q4 release and AGM should start appearing soon. Here's the schedule from last year:
Feb. 12 - Notice of AGM
Feb. 25 - date of Q4 release announced
March 11 - Q4 results + Annual Information Form released
March 19 - AGM documents released
April 14 - AGM (online)
April 22 - Q1 results released
I won't be shocked if Q4 is a loss. Wilan did do a licencing deal before YE but I'm guessing it was small.
I also won't be shocked if Q4 ex-Wilan is profitable. We'll see.
And, of course, I'd think, Q4 will include a special charge relating to the CEO change, HQ move, etc. They'll probably throw in everything they can so that 2022 can start with a clean slate.
There's two things I wonder about.
One, if there will be any changes to the board of directors. It is a bit of a weird situation where we have (becoming) a pure ITS story with pretty close to a pure IP NPE board of directors. I could imagine some exits and entrances. I could also imagine a smaller board in terms of numbers. I'd be surprised if there were no changes. But at the end of the day I'd probably be fine with any John+Bret meeting of the minds.
Two, will there be any re-branding? I doubt anyone has any deep emotional attachment to the Quarterhill name. It only goes back to 2017. I've had some of my own thoughts as to what might be a better name but none of them grab me--yet. Maybe this is something for people to think about down the road.
And then there's Apple. Oh, and that strategic review.