RE:Does Anyone Feel Like I Do?All kind of dot connecting ongoing.
And then it is esp disappointing that its not backed up with a NR.
They have to release material stuff. So, without a formal NR, you know for a fact you are looking at empty, meaningless dots.
beenthere wrote: I say b*llshit!!
I say show me!
After all THIS is POET we are talking about!!
I say these guys are NOT going to pull the curtain back (assuming there IS anything behind the curtain) until AFTER the reverse split!!
These guys (or those in the background) have already decided 1 for 10!
So to avoid disappountment resign to that fact!
(Have heard as low as 1 for 5 recently ....NOT going to happen)
Right or wrong? We will soon know soon enough won't we?
AND we ALL know how often FJ has been right! So oh oh!
AND that Moxan guy should be banned for breaking the rules!( you know .. Rule 5!!)
AND I am going to remind him just how far off he was with his 9 items!!