Arbitration Preparation is always beneficial in contract law I see some people here posting that I have said Arbitration has been filed. This is not what I said, nor is it the case.
Arbitration preperation has indeed begun. Read, preperation....
Gathering together the multiple investors and majority shareholders in a class action against the Dominican Government is also being discussed amongst shareholders.
The Swiss(50,000,000 shares) are working behind the scenes as they have since October.
This is a complex issue because it will burn through the cash needed to complete the ESIA. The reality is, we would like to avoid arbitration but it needs to be a contingent plan as it is in nearly all contractual agreements. There is no doubt that the results would be in favor of Goldquest, you can google the latest Crystallex judgement and it is identical to what the current situation is.
The reason nothing has been officially anounced is because through back channels progress has been communicated. This however is not enough for shareholders and its not enough for the Board of Directors.
We need an official statement and an update from the MEM and we are not getting it because there is nothing left for Minister Almonte to do.
The President has stated publicy and to the press that he will be approving the advancement to the ESIA stage and we are waiting for this signature. He has been a man of his word and we wait.
It has been dissapointing but there has been much groundwork laid out and we have majority support to commence studies from the civil authorithies.
If you have any questions PM me... I check in here once a week or so.