Nice Lake assays still pending....
Is it me or why have we not seen anything from Nice Lake? It was one of the top three targets for drilling mentioned by our CEO in this year's letter to shareholders and here is also a snippet mentioning it's potential from a June 2021 Sprott research report: "thetop three greenfield targets, which are remarkably simple: one undrilled trend across strike, 600m from Colomac Main with surface grabs grading up to 41.9g/t (Nice Lake), and two target areas along strike (Kim & Cass, Albatross). Whilst entirely speculative at this stage, perhaps the most astonishing thing here is that the Nice Lake target has never been drilled, making it one-to-watch for step-change ounce growth." As far as I know we have not seen a single meter from drilling at Nice Lake. Why did Mr. Salehi mention it as a top target? Just something to think about...All duds or is there something nice at Nice Lake...pun obviously intended...