RE:Trudeau and Biden energy still missing the point, trudeau, obama, clintong, biden are doing exactly as told by their master, to weaken western nations so socialism can takes over (NWO). You hear from trudeau, biden, prince charles, etc all referenced to 'build back better' and opportunity to 'reset'. By definition, reseting mean going back to its original condition like rebooting your pc, or re-installing Window 10, or going back to original wordings of the US Constitution or Candian Charter of Rights. Don't be fooled by their terminology of 'reset' which they really want is to dismantle existing condition and install a different new operating system. It's re-programming, not a reset.
Wynjoe wrote: Russia sells oil and feeds its war machine.Biden and Trudeau hinders oil production here in North America with anti oil policies while saying it's because they want to save the planet from climate change .This puts more money in Putins pockets while the same amount of oil is burned per day worldwide. Maybe North America could use this oil money better for social programs then Putin who uses it to finance his war. National Security is at risk,and energy needs is vital for the basic necessities of life ,and alternative energy just can't cut it,at least not for many many years.Wake up Trudeau,Canadas future is about more then the elite vociferous few .Supply Europeans with all the oil they need,instead of begging OPEC and Russia to produce more to keep up with demand.Trudeau is to naive for this job,and Biden is to old .Listening to Trudeau all I hear is, he is waiting for other Countries before he follows their lead.I cant believe he still allow Russia to fly in our airspace,oh my the list goes on and on and on.