So much blather.
all this talk of UKR RUSSIAN invasion determining market direction is foolish. Going back to every major event since 1940's invasion of France by Germany, its clear that exogenous shocks do not have a long lasting impact on the market. In fact, going out 120 days beyond all significant conflict events, after an initial drop, the median net market gain is 8%. This considers attack on Pearl Harbour, the Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis, USSR invasion of Afghanistan, Falkland Invasion, US invasions of Grenada & Libya, the Kuwait invasion, Gulf War, Iraq War, Russian invasion of Georgia, Israel and Gaza and most recently Crimea. To call current market action that falls contrary to this board's "the sky is falling, gold to the moon" narrative as due to manipulation and "evil naked shorting" further defines the idiocy of the pumper poster. The economic cycle is the market driver. The rest is just weather. Additionally, to call shorting evil is disingenuous. It is merely the reciprocal position to your long. Diadic logic would define that if shorting is evil, that holding long regardless of market direction is also evil. Putin is evil, Assad is evil, etc. The shorts are merely market players. Grow up.