WAYPOINT ACQUISITIONconsistent with previous statements from company and smart. by buying waypoint, already have structures in place to raise capital, incl. regulatory approval, compliance, etc. eliminate lots of time and expense.
imo, purpose of waypoint and ccm is to use the chw lending track record to offer yield starved private investors ability to buy tranches of the lending book to earn a yield, with chesswood earning a management fee (small % of $$$ invested). likely could offer different risk products at varying yields. chesswood has exposure to differing industry segments and credit risk across its lending book. chw potentially cud also layer on derivatives to avoid long tail risk in the credit market.
how does this help chw shareholders? currently, there is a limit to how much you can grow the lending book without having to raise additional equity, even if they retain a good chunk of their earnings (dividend and buyback total isnt that big). because lending partners will have limits to leverage (equity to assets). we as equity investors prefer management to be miserly with new equity. now with CCM, you act as an intermediary, collecting a management fee based on the invested assets. this is a high return business (not using capital), and accretive to ROE, while not impacting leverage calculations.
only question is how adept ccm will be at marketing itself and raising capital successfully.
i like direction the company is going, as the addressable lending market is huge, so if chw has structure in place to prudently raise the capital and continue to optimize treasury management, ROE goes up as does overall returns for shareholders.
asset managers trade at much higher multiples than equipment lenders. will take time but big rewards if successful imo.