Cape Canaveral,,,3,,,2,,,1,,,LIFTOFF !Mission control is calling for a SHOT that will give the MOON Earthquakes as the first solid GOLD Sattelite that has ever been launched. Mission Control is calling for speeds in excess of 77 earth gravities upon Sattelite GOLD as She blasts past MOON. Mission Control is calling for all time HIGH for Sattelite GOLD as a seemingly undefiable event. How high can Sattelite go once it blasts past the MOON??????? It appears that it may end up orbiting around PLUTO as far as the present number of "Prognosticaters" are calling for in near perfect harmony, so tune into the latest announcments on RADIO GOLD!
Gold Sattelite to all "moonbeamers" this event will be right up there with the big bang theory, in case you have not heard of this event allready prepareing for countdown. 10-9-8-.......dont "B" late.