1. How many sale of Aristotle?
2. How many sale from Oncore Pharma?   Ok my bad, they're gone
3. Why they do the consolidation 1 1/2 year ago?
4. Where is the Large healthcare/firefighters/UPMC/Oncore Pharma/2000 tests per month
5. How much revenue from ColonSentry + BreastSentry + prostate in 2020 & 2021?
6. Why the share price is at $0,43 (or $0,05) today?  Ok my bad, $0,18
7. Why the OTC listing doesn't change anything on the share price?
8. Why the last 3 Investor Summit doesn't bring money?
9. Why Clarus cut the target by 4?   Ok my bad, he's gone
10. Why they done 3-4 PP in the last 2-3- years?    Ok my bad, 4-5 PP

When you know the answer of these questions and you are able to admit them, you know what SZLS worth.

***Will any pumpers here have the

balls to answer these questions?***