Day 6Wow is what I can say about today. I now appreciate why an EIS costs so much and takes so long to prepare. The details involved and the amount of scenarios you have to anticipate is unbelievable but necessary to be prepared in case things don't go as planned. That is also the reason a company has to be careful iwhenchoosing the team that will prepare an EIS. It is my opinion that Generation mining managed choose one of the best team's to prepare their EIS. The Generation team handled the Panels questions professionally and with great details. The answers they gave atleast in my opinion satisfied most if not all the concerns about the water protection. This projects time is now because all the circumstances point to it. The prices of pgm,Gold and copper are all at a record high. TheTechnologies available today makes mining much cleaner than ever before. finally with Barricks Hemlo mine winding down afte 30 years of operations, the communities in the area need a boost to their economies. Looking forward to Day 7 Thanks Sam