RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Interest RatesMonty, great analysis as always of the fundamentals. Nowhere have you or anyone else for that matter suggested that WELL's worth is comprised of its "software" or that its "software" is worth close to 9 hundred million. This indicates a fundamental misunderstanding of what WELL is as a company. There are in fact companies where the value is found almost exclusively in its software. WELL is not such a company.
Having said that, Monty, I disagree with the suggestion that WELL's share price could never reach a low of $3.00. It could possibly, and might reach $2.00 or penny stock status. The stock is not the company and the Youtube video with Jeff Bezos of the same title is a good example. I have only a mild passing interest in the day to day share price and the ongoing technicals, and I don't see $3.00 in our immediate or intermediate future. I recently purchased shares in another company which generates yearly income equivalent to its entire market cap. It does happen.
I think Bandit needs to ask himself not whether WELL's software is worth almost 900 million, but rather, what is likely to be the value of a company four or five years from now which generates almost 500 million in revenues, which are growing in leaps and bounds on all fronts, in a sector that is predicted to see growth of over 30 per cent annually over the next five years.