Eric Sprott number of shares owned and controlled Ok so it looks to me that New Found Gold made a mistake in their Sedar Early Warning report on Stockwatch as they stated Eric Sprott currently owns 31,601,200 shares when it should read 36,601,200 shares.
They should fix this error because I don't think Mr. Sprott would appreciate being short changed on 5 million shares of his favourite gold stock. Lol Just sayin. Don't worry Eric I got your back. Lol
From recent news release
After the closing of the two tranches, Mr. Sprott will own and control 51,601,200 shares, representing approximately 31.4 per cent of the outstanding shares (and after the first tranche, 44,851,200 shares, representing approximately 27.3 per cent of the outstanding shares).
Mr. Sprott currently beneficially owns and controls 36,601,200 common shares, representing approximately 22.3 per cent of the outstanding shares.
From the recent Sedar Early Warning report on stockwatch
Mr. Sprott currently beneficially owns and controls 31,601,200 Shares representing approximately, 22.3% of the company
After the closing of the two tranches, Mr. Sprott will beneficially own and control 51,601,200 shares.