RE:RE:RE:RE:NewsAnd back in the early, or even pre-Nico days the property had been staked as the Bico (bismuth cobalt) on the basis of a very narrow (<2m) quartz-rick structure that cross-cut a very short distance in what is now part of the planned pit. Noranda had placed a number of drill holes into it, not recognizing the potential outside of the small structure.
So, the point is the Peanut drill results are positive even if they are small. Basically, they are identical to what started Fortune Minerals here. These are very good. Maybe not an orebody in and of itself, it speaks of potential.
The real big news is that the geophysical modeling said Fortune should drill across the fault at this location. They did, and they got some serious encouragement. Again, maybe this will not be an orebody, but the point is it says they know how to find more.