SadlyThis board is deterioating into your typical infantile nonsense that proliferates many of
the Sh boards these days. Once that starts its like a poison that eats away at the value
and purpose for which it was intended. Garland has done his best to keep holders informed during this long period of decline and is I suspect up to his armpits in VSR stock. He's not the only one and it is for a reason despite all the nonsense posted here.
That said, there are some valid criticisms and I have crtiticized the same points. VSR
will be taken out by IMG at some point, its too valuable to be kept independant and their deal with IMG is probably a huge thorn in IMG's side whether we love it or hate it.
The only conclusion for both is a takeout. Its just the timing that is unknown. VSR's
board is inneffective and probably cowtowing to IMG's board for their jobs. Shareholders are totally out of the loop but the goods are there and they keep expanding Nelligans resource. Its hard to know where the tipping point will be before IMG decides to move on VSR but selling out now makes no sense whatsoever. My only take is to stick it out if you want to come out on top.