RE:RE:$#!@@,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!! 13 MILLION Traded !!!!......+_*()*CanaanR wrote: First time posting here but l have followed your comments for some time. Seeing the fluctuations and volatility in this stock and other Juniors , its probably a good move at this time. My question to you is this it. As an obviously succesful investor , why would you hold worse than dead money for decades. l am not as rich as l believe you are , but l learned along time ago , Not to fall in love with stocks. As you seem to have a western focus and you held this bow wow for it seems 2 decades , l have to ask , how were you so succesful.. Your strategy for this success would be most helpful as l have to conclude this is nothing but mad money and it beats a trip to the Track
you are RIGHT__Even AFTER Today's Averaging DOWN__this is still Less than 0.5% of my Total Portfolio Valuation__as it Likely is for Sprott too.
NO REAL SECRETS for My ""Success""__These DID help out.
TIME__Have been Active in the Markets for a
LONG TIME since late 1979
I figured out a LONG TIME ago that it is BEST to
NEVER SELL any Spec Penny Ponnies @ Losses as Every Now and Then all sorts of CRAZY Resurrections CAN and DO take place.
But the MAIN Factor for My Success has been VERY HEAVY USE of Maximum Magin Buying Power__as THIS WAS the WAY I was ABLE to Truly BACK UP THE TRUCK every now and then
to LOAD UP on Beaten Down BLUE CHIPS__This IS HOW I ended up with HUGE POSITIONS i
in TELUS, DOMAN Industries, CHEMTRADE, WEF, TransCanada Pipe, TECK, WestShore, etc, etc
ALL of THEM only VERY RARELY got BEAT UP__and when they did that ONLY LASTED a SHORT TIME__Thus the ONLY WAY to GET INTO THEM in a Significant Way was VIA MARGIN