FACTS! Dan Blondal: "We'll have news on that soon." I'm sorry, but these are the real facts! THIS is the direction it's going! A key player!
"We've started hiring in Quebec to build out our team, in anticipation of piloting and ultimately demonstrating somewhere, probably in Central Canada," Blondal said. "A lot of those plans are still coming together, but we'll soon have news on that."
“In a world where we were doing hundreds of thousands of tonnes (of cathodes), that was tolerable. But as we go into millions and tens of millions of tonnes to fulfill the terawatt-hour vision of the world, we're starting to talk about tens of millions of tonnes of waste,”
Blondal said. "That simply won't be tolerable."
"That won't be permissible, actually, in North America and in Europe."
You, on the other hand, are more of a parasite and slanderer, which unfortunately this forum also offers a platform for! Hopefully one day no one will fall for it!
Best regards to everyone here!
(And "Thanks, Griff!" for the source. https://ceo.ca/nano)