''Dunworkin''and his questions Lots of questions about the strategy of sales from previous post : Would Doug not be in best position to see sales status ? : Sure he is, thats obvious ,he wants to see sales increase just like anyone else.: Would directors not see this strategy?? : Sure they do, its the CEO that set up the strategy ,thats his decision ,directors don't change that . : What about employees. Employees are paid on regular basis, they have their job to do ,they have their job description ,Whats the issue ?. --------- After all is said and done, Dyment and the company have their way of operating . Everybody employee works to the max of their job descriptions and does it well. --------- Dyment has ''LAST SAY'', on every strategy ,on every contract ,on every hiring ,on every technology coming to market . ''Protect the company technology, have every single thing controlled by one person , thats the company line ''. --------- Dyment decides who can sell the company product ,he sets the prices and the conditions of sale ,he sets all the bids for contracts. ----------- Problem is ,shares are at .35, and ''one man just cannot be everywhere doing everything''. No other company I know works to this extreme. --It shows in the sales/revenue , Outside of Septa, sales everywhere are very minimal .