RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Going concern? Definitely not the last financing...That's why Li Ka Shing and an international soveriegn wealth fund is participating in the equity financing... because the company is in structural bankruptcy (according to the shorts on this board).
I'm sure the shorts' analysis is much more rigorous and sophisticated than the folks working for Mr. Shing and those working at the sovereign wealth fund. As such, people are lining up to offer the shorts their capital so they may invest it wisely...
give me a break... we all know current liabilities includes portions of debt that are revolving and with maturity dates extended at each review (as per standard revolver procedure). So all this talk about current liability being larger than cash on hand plus cash flows is nonesense. Please spare us the wisdom of the walleybears.
Yes, the share issuance price is at a steep discount to what we are used to seeing the last 12 months, but sometimes this is part of the strategy to attract strategic investors. For the sovereign wealth fund, this may be the first of many such investments in WELL. Get them in at a discount, keep them in at fair price or premiums.
Our growth story is still in the first inning... at this time, we have a countless number of depressed assets we can pick up