spinco & SALT valuation
the other thing w/ spinco's - when they do happen, you will see the share price of SALT drop. we dont know by how much yet, that'll be a mystery to us until it actually happens.
the value of SALT represents the salt deposit, PLUS the dome, PLUS the other assets we have. whatever is spun into spinco will be taken off the top of SALT and put into spinco.
so, if we're at 2$ now, we could see it "drop" to maybe 1.5 and spinco worth .50, for a total of 2$ between the 2. but you'll have a fraction of the shares in spinco that you do w/ SALT. it's all head-scratching, magic wand waving stuff. thankfully the brokers figure it out for you and give you the cost basis for spinco.
or it could be SALT = $1 and spinco = 1$. or any other such combination. thats for the company and mostly the investment bankers to decide...
happy friday before memorial day long weekend to those who celebrate it!