Senior Secured Credit Facility Extended, Strong Revenues, ++Entourage greatly distinguishes itself from the multitude of overplayed and pumped cannabis stocks. Was just examining high flyer Aurora for one example which peaked around $175 in 2018 and now sits below $2.00 (12 for 1 reverse split taken into account).
Aurora is losing more than $5.00 a share with 200 million+ shares out there while ENTG is on the cuspice of profitability per share in the near future with a host of innovative and highly regarded products in the works, and sits at .06. There is no logic to this and clearly much manipulation is under way, but the multiple facts at play and the host of positive dynamics will force a dramatic upward surge.
In addition to the secured credit facility extended while fine tuning other conditions, ENTG has a continuous flow of strong revenues, and other very substantial credit resources.