They should all remove the last digit
No wonder we are at parked at 16 pennies.... 2006- $150000 2007- $147500 2008- $150000 2009- $150000 2010- $ 75000 2011- $130297 2012- $150000 2013- $150000 2014- $255000 2015- $184518 2016- $187272 2017- $187072 2018- $159272 2019- $220768 2020- $290000 2021- $340000 I'm not saying these salaries were not earned or deserved i'm just highlighting that it appears the execs at AMK have been paid very well over the last 15 or so years. If this is viewed as a sacrifice on their part then please tell me where to sign up. Buy tud or tuo