No Numbers? Let's calculate! Here are the Numbers from Abbvie:
Ok in Q1 2022 Abbvie made $285 mio revenue with "Other Aesthetics"
Allergan Aesthetics has 13 brands (without botox and Juvederm Collection). One of the Brand is Skinmedica.
So let's say Skinmedica made 30% of the other Aesthetics Revenue: $85.5 mio
Skinmedica has approximately 30 products with one dark spot corrector. So lets assume the revenue of the dark spot corrector (Lytera 2.0) is 1/30 = $2.85 mio
Now Sirona gets 5% royalities = $142,500 in a quarter
That makes $570,000 in a year
My Assumptions:
Worst case: just a replacement of their Dark Spot Corrector like R+F did
Just Royalities, because Ingredient sales will be quite low like in the R+F deal, so it doesn't matter that much.
That would be the starting point. So let's hope that the new product will be so much better and Abbvie will sell much more.