In defense of consolidationGood evening all. So much misinformation of late. I was always pro consolidation. I still am. If you take the time to look back at pre-consolidation you will notice now that the stock reacts much sharper to market forces and news events. Previous to consolidation, most complaints were about the stock not moving no matter what news you had - positive or negative - it just laid there unable to move because of millions of excess stocks that cut the slice of the pie too thin. This is no longer the case. What we are seeing now is a stock performing as it should even though we are in a very down market. The laws of gravity - financially speaking - will always apply in the end. And though personally, I too, don't like seeing my portfolio go down any more than you do - but I accept the reality that the stock market moves up and down. You are not alone. The largest shareholder of Electra is Trent Mell. He too has seen his portfolio drop regarding Electra significantly. Yet you don't see Trent whining about it. It's normal for a market to go up and down - it's just the way it is. Now is the time to be bold - and aware of current market forces and make wise decisions going forward. Nobody on any corporate stock ever guarantees that a perspective shareholder will make a million bucks. It's time to face the fact.