RE:PULCAN makes $60k investment in DF.TOpulcan wrote:
I like the DRIP on the stock ...
Some advice which I doubt you'll like: don't DRIP this stock (DF).
DRIPs are appropriate for high-quality stocks with some factor of safety, such as utilities and banks, through which you are building a dependable future income stream. But income from DF, which is triple-leveraged, can dry up with stunning speed. The leveraged structure of DF removes the payout dependability, while in poor markets most of the underlying stocks will usually keep paying.
Also, if you are DRIPing DF, you are usually paying much more than NAV to buy it because it tends to trade at a sharp premium while the payout is active. You're giving money away.
Take cash from DF, always, and use the cash to re-invest in something else that's safer.