How to prevent the shorting of your stocksEveryone with shares should be putting an order to sell their shares at double, triple... or highest amount possible if your in this for the long game. This is one way that your shares don't go on the short market. Brokers will put up your shares for anyone that wants to borrow them otherwise.
Hedge funds or your lying through their teeth clowns that bash on our board... saying Dr. peter Megaw, or his highly experienced team from Mag that is doing Reyna's field work are a bunch of amatures, are trying to make money. Don't let shorters bring your stocks down. This is one way... when short intrest is high then they need to be squeezed.
Junior miners are being targeted right now... I see that the US market had a big reversal where some miners had a jump up in price. We need these stocks to go back to their normal levels and hopefully get rid of the pests that keep making money off of our investments. I know that short positions recently borrowed at .38 for Reyna specifically. Sale price needs to go way up... and adjust sale price higher as there is recovery. We investors need to get rid of these short sellers once and for all.