RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:WOW up 69% Good job, Drunk Al. You aren't using all caps anymore! You're making great progress in your recovery program.
Referring to yourself as seasoned and intelligent is hilarious. If this were the case, you wouldn't be on here spewing about those who took you for a ride and how much you need this stock to increase to break even.
By seasoned I think you mean salty, tangy and crusty. By intelligent I think you mean...I'm not sure because Unklal and intelligent are oxymorons. If you need help understanding what that means begin by looking up moron and go from there. I think that's your last name, right?
I have faith in this company. You clearly do not.
Do us all a favour and sell your shares and move on. People must surely be getting tired of you're constant whining and BIT CHIN. Notice I used caps here so you would understand the last sentence, Drunkal.
I will have the last laugh...