Yasch22 wrote: Hcgfllkp: What you're saying is that "Biden's neocon handlers" are making Putin look like an idiot. Think of a game of chess, where Russia was forced to invade Ukraine because poor little Vladdy was put into check by those big nasty neocons in Washington and Davos. And now they're putting him in danger of losing everything.
Remember, Tsar Putin is the guy who says "I am the one who knocks." He wasn't forced into anything. Putin wants the old glory of the United Soviet Socialist Republics, or the Imperial Russia of Peter and Catherine the Great. He'll make up any old lie (e.g., "de-Nazification") to get what he wants.
In this universe, Moscow rules a world extending from the Arctic Ocean to the Baltic Sea, to the Mediterranean, to the Black Sea, to the Caspian Sea.
https://www.yourchildlearns.com/online-atlas/cold-war-map.htm See below.
Russia's aggressions of the past 20 years have brought the following territories under full or effective control: Chechnya, Georgia, Belarus, several big chunks of Ukraine (including Crimea, Luhansk, Donetsk), a big chunk of Moldova ("Transnistria"), and close alliances with right-wing parties in Hungary, France, and Italy.