RE:Ever notice how earnings season always skips FONIGeeezzz!! ANOTHER really stupid comment, Seelow, but here I am responding! .
there is NO, repeat NO financial report due in July or August!!! (or September.)
For the record the Q4 and the Audited financial are due 120 - 140 days after year end , with smaller, Venture companies allowed an additional 2 weeks if needed
FOBI year end as even Selow knows , is JUne 30th. so that means ealy November.
Q1 is due 45 - 55 days after the end of that Quarter, so that makes it due early December.
Again Venture compnies are allowed more days than huge multi nationals who have several accountants working on same. Seelow go back to bed !! It must be nearly midight in South Asia!