RE:RE:My Thanks To Firecracker, Krams and aaaaaaaarghGood to hear from you both aaaaaaaargh and Krams. Aaaaaaarg I follow you on the reliq board at Firecracker, if you're out there know are the most incredible analyst/poster i have ever read.
Its sobering to realize that most Trevali investors SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO THE SHEEP.
Owning Trevali was an incredibly useful experience for me. i even escaped with a profit more by accident than design. Something shiny attracted me and ultimately, after a few last fruitless in/out Trevali flings that's where my Trevali money went
And i am now more than ever up to my eyeballs in zinc. Yes, effing zinc! Its ironic but i found the single best zinc explorer out there and also a profitable zinc producer--yes, they exist. The Trevali experience informed these decisions.
For me these companies are Trevali's positive legacy. I brought what i learned on this board from you guys and backed it with my Trevali profits. The zinc story is real even though Trevali has proven a fraud.
Any one interested in these companies can check my posting history or message me.
Good luck to you all in your future investments.
And thanks again.