The green hydrogen BSGermany does not need nor want green hydrogen from Canada !! After all green hydrogen does not require any fossil fuels. In fact the leading company for hydrogen manufacture by electolysis is Thyssen Krupp which is a German company. I presume that if the technology made economic sense then the Germans would already be doing it , since their alternative is natural gas at very high prices.
It is really way past time for the king of the BS to step down. He is turning Canada into an international laughing stock !!
BTW who has bitten to buy green hydrogen technology ? Hydro Quebec recently agreed to build a 11000 metric tonne per year plant . The plant is to be built by Thyssen Krupp and the production is equivalent to about 150 thousand cubic feet per day. Which is miniscule by any definition !!
BTW , Thyssen Krupp is trying to sell off its electrolysis technology by packaging it in another entity to be sold as an IPO to the public !! All they need is some fool to step up to the plate to promote it !!