in the evne there is a negotiated offer?!Please understand the process.
In the event there is a "negotiated" offer.
Meaning something with substance that would be accptable to the long term value of ONC
THAT, offer should first be vetted by the B.O.D.
Assuinmg they also feel a good value opportunity,considering all of the existing variables. then they would recomend.
That would trigger a shareholder offer & vote of accpetance or rejection.
Now! The important part of the equation is "what the comercial" value of Pelareorep is as a marketable drug.
The length of time ONC has been around, who is in charge , what you or anyone paid for the shares is 100% not important.
If/when a Pharma buys ONC, thier analysis will be this simple:
"what can Pela add to our bottom line"? and "what is the pay back time of our investment"
The actual vaule "cost" is not as important as the payback time & inherent risk.
The Price/share is not a consideration, ...only after the fact once a number is reached.
Right now, there is a certian risk built in, based on in-place trials & outcomes.
The assumption is. that Once things become mauch more clear ( Q4 of this year), many of the value risk questions will be answered. Then the "value" goes up.
My feelings? There are ,multiple discussions around various "offers"None fimed up yet.
When they become firm , we will hear & very fast.