8% divy. and stock appreciationVERY NICE, 8% , the stock will move up, its a cycle we are going through. ALL the issues effecting the price of oil are negative, this is temporary, next 8 months it will turn around. CJ has all the ingredients to be VERY SUCCESSFUL, and it will be. TARGET is 14.00 $$ range. ERIC has mentioned cardinal as doing all the right things, the next 2 QRTS. will be GREAT, EPS, FCF, BUYBACKS, DEBT. REDUCTION, ETC., UP, UP. THEY will reduce their debt. significantly, setting the stage for a DIVIDEND INCREASE in 2023, up 20% . LOAD UP THE TRUCK. NOT lot of volume lately, indicating lack of interest, on really ALL THE OIL STOCKS. WE GET PAID 8% and we wait.