Ceo johnCeo should be the 1 getting blasted. Investers should be very carefull the management team is very smart in terms from all there experience they always tell us. Smart at figuring out how to get cheap shares. Ceo to Jimmy we are going to do a pp .what investers are going to be pissed and I m the 1 having to step in the spot light explaining this John. Yes Jimmy but that money comes in and the shares go down and each week with that money we get to buy shares and the good news Jimmy boy investers get proud they all will say insiders are buying get my hint Jimmy. Your so smart John thats why your my hero and ceo John. 1 last question John im sure some seniors are interested in bnch why not get a hold of them and see if they partner up with us at a fare price then take it to the investers see what they think. Stop acting foolish Jimmy boy the investers get scared and sell and we get all those shares very cheap and they think we are heros okay Johnny . Remember Jimmy we are getting close to the age of retirement and if are names turn to who cares. Like investers who. We need more cross shares that fu..cks up the investers brains then they sell we buy. Okay John but I'm going to need alot more tape and my nose very sore. Bt