Three trials simultaneously...Nobody like dilution,but sometime you have to look at the bigger picture.
There seem to be two main reasons for this $5 million financing(2.5 x 2).
1) Giving TLT enough money to get to that +$0.50 "Tipping Point".
2) Giving TLT enough money to start the process(Good Laboratoty Practice) on two new cancer trials(GBM & NSCLC).
+$0.50 " Tipping Point".
If the SP climb over $0.50 and stay over $0.50, all the warrants that are at $0.50 and lower will be exercised, and in 2023 & 2024 TLT could have secured approximately $35 million in warrants money.
In order for the SP to stay over $0.50, TLT need a catalyst, like the FDA BTD approval, except that the FDA has a say on the timelines.
The 450 days data needed for the BTD approval will be completed by TLT in Dec 2022.
The FDA has 60 days to answer the BTD request.
The FDA could also ask for clarifications on anything related to the trial.
Just to be on the safe side, TLT need money to face these possible FDA timelines.
Starting 2 new trials.
Why would TLT start the process(GLP) on 2 new trial(GMB&NSCLC) without having first completed the bladder cancer trial?
Short answer...Amazing results.
In the Aug 29,2022 newsletter, of the 32 patients treated (including the 12 undertreated) 63% still had their bladder at 270 days(TR=CR+PR=63%).
Without the 12 undertreated patients +70% would have keep their bladder at 270 days, +70% is huge for patients that were 100% guaranteed to lose their bladder.
Note1) Conducting three trials simultaneously cost money, it would have been suicidal for TLT to wait until the last minute for financing.
The process on these 2 new trials will go much faster for 3 reasons...
1)TLT has gained a lot's of experience with the FDA & HC bladder cancer trial process.
2) The FDA & HC already know about TLD-1433 PDC compound.
3) TLT has already multiple clinical study sites in Canada & US.
Before long a steady flow of data from 3 cancer trials(Bladder,Lung,Brain) could be pushing the SP forward, at that moment we will be delighted TLT did that small $5 million financing.
Note 2) After 22 Aug, 2024(last $0.35 warrants), TLT could have approximately +300 million shares, 300 million is a puny little number for 3 cancer treatment that could be approved by the FDA.
To conclude..
I am not a big fan of peoples on this board who are predicting a very huge Shares Price for TLT in the future, but with the potential of having 3 cancer treatments approved by the FDA, maybe these over-optimistic peoples are on to something.
Time will tell.