RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:National Bank Reiterates its Sector Perform Rating on CJR Lol, you're the idiot that buys high, bashes all the way down. You invited me to check your history, remember? so I did. Schmuck. You'd rather I only go back a few weeks and only on this board? Bahaha. Well loser , one of us bought at $1.99. Hint, it was me. Have you ever made money investing in anything? Saying you sold something after the fact, doesn't count. That's BS. What did you pay for your cjr? Here's your post from 1am jan 18 2022. Were you drunk? Again?
You remember this post? "TD has a target that is much mcuh higher thatn others.....Yes its a buy at $5.27..".
So, you paid $5 plus and didn't average down. What did you pay? $6, $8, $12? But since you posted only about 3 times in months about cjr until the last week, I thought I'd check what else you posted about hundreds and hundreds of times. You make money on that one? Nope. But I gotta say your oil stock calls just blew me out if the water. No mention of buying tve but you did brag about selling it last month at $4. Loser. And the best if all time, selling or shorting and bashing suncor on March 18, 2020 at the absolute all time historic low and generational buying opportunity for ANY oil stock. I'm just trying to appreciate your genius which you claim. Wow, what a sad,sad little man.
ratsnake220 wrote: sunset you are 100% correct...max is trolling me and seems to want to follow me around.....Why max smoe would come on this board and ask about NXO.....crazy max.....has lost so much money on Corus and thinks he is a genius....i kinda think he is a single celled amoeba for getting so deep with a company with a impaired balance sheet for years....propped up with Analysts who simply missed the mark from $10 down....