Pumper Poster gets the answer ..oops This clown is brutal on Agoracom and not sure who he is here but tosses god in his posts .
Well he asked last night and got his answer this morning,. The lord works in mysterious ways. You cant make this up.
Im christian but disgusted by these pumpers throwing god into posts and profiles like they are good christians ..so trust us...
You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another.
Is the development of a generator turning on water a dream or is it becoming reality with the EBH2-jointventure?
posted on Oct 31, 2022 02:26AM
Hello Bernard,
How goes it with the EBH2story: developing a generator turning on water.
That would also bringing huge disruption in the powersupplybusinness so I would like to know the evolution of that project.
God has provided us H2O, basis of live on earth so it must also be basis of energy because energy gives live. We are almost there to discover that energy.
Thanks in advance,